All For The Animals (AFTA)
501(c)(3) Nonprofit
Foster Care

Foster families (in WV) are key elements in the rescue process. They require a high level of commitment to the animal and complete cooperation with AFTA's Foster Care Coordinators, Angie (in WV) or Donna (New England). If you're ready, please open and complete our foster care application (it will open more quickly if you accessed this site using Internet Explorer). Save it with a new name to your computer (remember where you put it!), then attach it to a new email with the subject line "Foster Care, ATTN: Angie, WV," or Foster Care, ATTN: Donna" at AFTAInc@hotmail.com.
Note: Several stand-by foster families are urgently needed in the New England area. Please contact Kim for more information.
If you cannot foster a dog, but know someone who might be willing and able to do so, please let them know of our needs (and direct them to our site).
Foster Care Application